High strength general purpose epoxy grout

E3-G-IN is a high strength epoxy grout designed for grouting machine and equipment bases of all types. Formulated to be used in both thin and thick sections, E3-G-IN is suitable for grouting bases of numerous configurations. This formula gives excellent strengths and resistance to many corrosive chemicals. E3-G-IN provides excellent bond to the foundation and provides maximum bearing for long lasting grouting projects. E3-G-IN suitable for use where heavy, dynamic or mobile loads are encountered, well suited to long working time and or low exotherm properties are required. E3-G-IN is a three component system consisting of Base, Hardener and graded inert fillers.

Packaging & Coverage: 27.22 Kg (1 pack) of E3-G -IN will cover approximately 0.55 m2 when placed at a depth of 25 mm


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